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Methods for Research

Single gas (elemental or a mixture)

Easily control the flow of one gas: constant flow or a pre-programmed flow profile with unlimited steps and ramps for any duration. The software shows flow as mass, as volume in any standard volumetric unit as well as customer specified volumetric unit (custom pressure and temperature).

Mixture of two or more gases

FlowSeg software can control any number of devices so the made mixture is not limited in number of components, or dilution ratio. The software device also supports re-dilution, so making extreme dilutions without using large amounts of diluting gas is possible.

The software calculates and shows the partial pressure of all mixture components, so designing a mixtures and segment programs is easy. These changing values are logged on screen and on disk with timestamps.

Steam, pH2O, or evaporating other fluids

Any low viscosity fluid can be added to gas stream, and is evaporated (by default) with heat. Most typical uses are pH2O control and steam generation. The system is suitable from ppm levels to high throughput of steam, even at elevated pressures. In other words 0 to 100% RH with infinitely finite resolution.

Ratios and flows

It is possible to maintain ratios between components A & B while changing the ratio component C. Likewise it is possible to change internal ratios while maintaining the total flow, or vice versa.

Dual atmosphere use

The software can control two (or more) separate sets of devices, thus making two (or more) mixtures simultaneously. This is useful for testing fuel cells, electrochemical gradients and gas permeation where the process of interest lies in between of two distinct conditions.

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